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Building a Talent Strategy to Drive WTJ (Willingness to Join) and WTS (Willingness to Stay)

By February 6, 2024June 16th, 2024No Comments

Resources > Manu’s Blog > Building a Talent Strategy to Drive WTJ (Willingness to Join) and WTS (Willingness to Stay)

Building a Talent Strategy to Drive WTJ (Willingness to Join) and WTS (Willingness to Stay)

Manu Khetan
Founder & CEO – Rolling Arrays

Originally Published on LinkedIn

Iconic Brands have 2 Features :

Feature 1 : The best people in the world want to join them. These companies have an extremely high WTJ (Willingness to Join) index amongst their ideal candidate profiles.

Feature 2 : The best people within the company continue to stay and outperform year on year. These companies have an even higher WTS (Willingness to Stay) index amongst their ideal employee profiles.

Because of Feature 1, the likes of Tim Cook, Sundar Pichai and Satya Nadella join and because of feature 2, they stay and create history.

No brand is iconic from day 1, but those companies who view talent as the centrepiece of their business strategy, build a very high WTJ and WTS index and consistently outperform their competition.

I truly believe that having a great Talent Strategy was, is and will be an evergreen strategy for companies to become successful and more importantly to stay successful.

In this newsletter, I plan to write one article per month on the colossal topic of Human Resource which I am fortunate to have experienced over the last 19 years as an HRTech Consultant and 14 years as the CEO of Rolling Arrays.

I will tag the article(s) into 7 broad HR streams which are the pillars to drive WTJ and WTSFoundation, Attract, Manage, Engage, Develop, Promote and Analyse.

I hope you will get value from each article as we find out in each article – Why HRIsNOTaCostCenter

Below is the title of the next article which I will be posting in May 2023. 

You have an amazing Job offer, and you have an amazing career going on in your current company. How to decide whether to switch or not ?

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About Manu Khetan

Manu, Founder and CEO of Rolling Arrays, a global HR technology leader, brings two decades of expertise to redefine HR practices. Passionate about pioneering HR automation and nurturing talent, Manu advocates for a customer-first and employee-first approach, prioritizing value creation. Beyond the boardroom, he is a dedicated family man, a skilled pianist, and an advocate for empowering the next generation of entrepreneurs. Join Manu on the transformative journey where HR emerges as a dynamic force for positive change in the business world.

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