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How to Choose a Digital File System for SAP SuccessFactors?

By September 30, 2023April 30th, 2024No Comments


How to Choose a Digital File System for SAP SuccessFactors?

DMS Selection Criteria Checklist Included

RESOURCES  >  MANU’s BLOG > How to choose a digital file system for SAP SuccessFactors?

Human Resources Management Systems (HRMS) like SAP SuccessFactors (SF) is essential in today’s digital world because they streamline HR operations, allowing both business and HR to be fully functional. On the other hand, users can further optimise SAP SF by employing a Document Management System (DMS). This may come in the form of add-ons or a full-fledged system, and its primary function is to eliminate paper-based documentation. Once the right DMS is activated, SAP SF users can store, monitor, and track HR records in the cloud.

In light of this, a modern DMS isn’t just to embark on a paperless journey; with the right implementation, HR may reap additional benefits that contribute to workplace efficiency and maintaining compliance.

Going Paperless

On the surface, the digital file system is seen to have one advantage: document storage. Still, the system does more than just archive digital files. These include

Storing and managing HR documents.

Ensuring compliance with constantly updated regulations. This eliminates the need to commit errors or experience misfortune with laws.

Provide the HR department with maximum efficiency.

Deciding on Suitable DMS

The question is, where to start? What to look for when choosing an optimal system? Most digital storage solutions share common advantages, including

  • Centralising repository to manage and view all employees’ documents.
  • Coordinating work between employees in a shared workplace
  • Boost employees’ productivity.
  • Eliminate the costly and time-consuming paper-based document filing to avoid disruption in daily operations.
  • Documents generation and creation with pre-built templates
  • Ensuring compliance

Deciding between different options can be intimidating, especially for HR professionals who are in charge of dealing with them. It is necessary to choose cost-effective software, or the company will face a meaningless investment.

Essential Steps to Take Before Making a Decision

Determine The Objectives of Your Transition: Sustainability, Efficiency, or Both?

The core concept of digital file systems is to digitise paper-based filing methods and store documents in a centralised manner. Nonetheless, getting rid of paper-based documents means adapting to a consolidated system with accessible, easy document storage and retrieval adoption.

The objective of transitioning the management to a paperless environment must be determined before choosing between alternatives. Are we pursuing sustainability objectives, balancing productivity by decreasing tedious tasks, or both? Our administration can work more quickly without the need to stack papers or manually file documents, but how does this affect efficiency? In one case study by Canon, digital file integration provides a seamless end-to-end workflow, allowing employees to focus on essential matters.

Document Storage and Management 

Assisting HR in mapping out a path to manage a seamless process and integration with external systems is crucial for simplifying HR administrative duties. As part of a solution powered by cloud intelligence, all employee paperwork would be completed digitally in a document generation tool, signed electronically, and archived in a cloud-based repository.

The following features give users, companies, and HR professionals smooth interactions between divisions:

  • Provisioning authorised cloud storage space for endless document storage.
  • By digitising paper records, we can eliminate the need for entire rooms or facilities dedicated to storing and preserving these documents.
  • Hastened the process of digitising paper documents and brought about vital new efficiencies in managing, tracking, approving, and storing all paper-based records.

Data Integrity

An efficient system that connects workers, supervisors, and HR records in one place can save time and effort over manual searches. Multinational corporations (MNCs) can benefit from remote work thanks to the cloud’s accessibility and the ease with which employees can access data from any location.

Visibility and Compliance 

Thanks to the cloud feature, every file can be accessed from a centralised location.

As a result, it’s less of a hassle for companies to maintain systems that follow government regulations, which aids their ability to comply with local customs laws. As more and more data is accessed remotely at all hours of the day and night, the organisation must enforce strict protocols for managing and capturing all mission-critical data without adding to the already substantial digital complexities.  

When speaking of visibility, think of a centralised repository and an online database. Considering that policies and mandates are subject to change and new ones may be introduced, we can establish a process for regular database updates. 

Not only does this help us avoid potentially crippling fines and penalties for violations, but it also implies that the business is following its stated principles and best practises, which increases the value of data for the whole business.


Tame Your Paper Tiger

Master HR Documents with the Perfect DMS

The Key Benefits:

  • Effortless Selection
  • Enhanced Compliance
  • Boosted Productivity
  • Reduced Paper Chaos
Download DMS Selection Criteria Checklist

Inquire About Your Budget

A paperless environment means fewer expenses are needed to upgrade and maintain the system. All associated costs are well-reduced through the integration of such a system.

Imagine Google Drive with more excellent benefits, acquired by giving away these features:

Reducing the risk of data loss and replication as it offers backup and restores files if employees accidentally delete files.

Save you a lot of time and money in recovering lost documents.

Out of all things, getting the best option without giving away excessive output provides cost-effective execution. Document digitisation helps reduce painstacking tasks and minimise budget while enhancing users’ experiences. 

Regardless, it can negatively impact one’s financial situation without careful consideration when choosing between options. We don’t want a useless investment. 

Cost and Maintenance Expenditures

With many extensions living inside the house of digital era, choosing a cost-effective system becomes integral. We want to focus on the main thing here: choosing a better system without overcompensating the budget.

Sure, a lower budget means fewer benefits. This is why it is crucial to determine the value we want to see from the implementation, the size of the organisation, and other significant determinators. Some add-ons give away as much value without any maintenance expenditures or costs needed to set up because they are well integrated with HRMS such as SuccessFactors.

The Proportions of Employees and Departments

It’s vital to consider the number of workers when deciding how sophisticated the system should be. We can do away with organisational silos with proper digital documentation. The primary purpose of a digital filing system is not just to organise your documents but to foster teamwork correspondingly. 

Workspace Collaboration 

The collaborative work environment simplified the HR procedure, significantly improving the efficiency with which documents are organised, stored, approved, and accessed. Digital documents can be edited, and multiple versions can be stored and accessed simultaneously.

Digital collaboration ensures that each team member has quick access to accurate information. A workplace culture that promotes collaboration increases the likelihood that employees will work together to find practical solutions, resulting in a 50% increase in employee productivity. Assuming this, HR departments can do more to improve employees’ experiences by utilising a digital file system. 

Employees can easily collaborate on documents, cutting down on wasted time and document storage costs. This prevents unnecessary outlays of paper and money by eliminating the need to print multiple copies of a document.

Identify The Level of Security Demanded by Your Business.

We have arrived at an essential part: security. Not only can it be confusing, but it can also be the point where an organisation’s downfall is due to a security breach. What is the one thing that most systems have in common? 

The Single Sign On (SSO). This feature eliminates the need for users to repeatedly enter their credentials whenever they access the system, making the process more streamlined and protected. All users, whether employees, customers, or partners, will benefit significantly from the streamlined access and enhanced experience that single sign-on provides, improving workforce productivity. 


Secure communication of user access and provisioning information is made possible by SSO using identity standards like SAML, OAuth, OpenID Connect, and SCIM.

Adjusting to SSO protects web and mobile applications and their underlying APIs. Supporting data retention and GDPR ensures compliant records management by establishing rules for storing and destroying data in a centralised and secure location.

What Are The Options Out There?

Features ePFile OpenText Accenture Document Composer
Document Management and Storage ePFile provides a centralised repository for all employees’ documents with seamless integration to SAP SuccessFactors, permitting current and new SuccessFactors users to track, access, and search for digital files without implementing a 3rd party DMS. All employees’ listed files are stored in centralised storage and made accessible in one place to facilitate streamlined communication. OpenText manages employee documentation by personalising employee communication with SAPintegrated employee data and validating employee data to comply with laws and regulations. All sorts of employees’ documents are stored in a configurable folder.
Document Generation ePFile integrates seamlessly with SAP SuccessFactors for document creation and editing, acting as an extension of SAP SuccessFactors. Authorised users can expeditiously handle the approval and rejection of a document without compromising productivity. Sophisticated pre-built document templates are embedded for document generation to allow enhanced employee engagement and impactful HR correspondence. Accenture Document Composer facilitates the creation of HR document templates without requiring technical expertise or knowledge. Combined with a simpleto-create and -manage template, it provides a straightforward method for merging data from SAP SuccessFactors. Data is read from the back-end system during document creation and incorporated into the document.
Visibility Benefit the encompassing view of the workforce. It expedites the process of searching for and accessing documents of employees and managers, instead of performing tasks piecemeal or awaiting permission. 360-degree view of employees The entire process can be managed from a single screen where folders are created, shared, printed, and updated.
Maintenance Expenditures This add-on enables SF clients to centrally manage all employee documents as a costeffective alternative to a comprehensive DMS implementation. No maintenance fees are required. N/A All plans include maintenance services for updates and upgrades.
Cost This solution requires the lowest cost as a pure extension that integrates with SuccessFactors users to manage employee documents without requiring the implementation of a fullfledged DMS. OpenText necessitates costly expenditures based on the duration of implementation and the services provided. The software is capable of functioning as a cloud service at no cost for installation. To operate software on-premises, users must pay the installation fee.
Security Reduce the potential for security breaches in document replication and document access control using SAP SuccessFactors’ single sign-on (SSO) feature. Using the SF API to access documents securely and leveraging SuccessFactors’ rolebased permission mitigates the risk of duplicate records and eliminates the possibility of permission duplication. Centrally defined access privileges ensure compliance with security and privacy regulations. Providing HR and employees with a single login to input and access comprehensive records across multiple systems. Role-based permissions govern access to digitised content, and integration with the existing security framework ensures that access is always in sync with SuccessFactors. Any change in employment status is reflected immediately, preventing unauthorised document access. Software as a Service (SaaS) provides complete, secure, and exclusive access to HR employee data while maintaining software centrally on the SAP Business Technology Platform. It employs encryption to secure all communication channels and comes with configurable authentication policies.
Workspace Collaboration Multiple HR records can be viewed, deleted, added, updated, and searched for in one centralised location. This eliminates the time-consuming task of locating and accessing documents. Offer HR Shared Services access from anywhere, allowing employees to upload, retrieve, and address personnel records efficiently. Receive updates from a single platform in addition to collaborative document editing, creation, and sharing.

Redirecting The Path to a Cost-Effective System: What is The Next Step?

Distinct characteristics determine the selection of digital file systems. It is recommended that the digital file system you select supports the entire management; for instance, ePFile offers the least expensive version, whereas OpenText provides a more comprehensive perspective. Doing check-ups before implementation ensures that the exemplary implementation can properly integrate data. 

Users can maximise SuccessFactors by selecting a DMS that interfaces well with SAP SuccessFactors. Consequently, comparing the DMSs that best suit your organisation is essential. DMS such as ePFile not only keep files in one database but also ensure data integrity and compliance while streamlining HR processes, making it the best choice for SF users.

About Rolling Arrays

Rolling Arrays has been driving SAP SuccessFactors-led HR Transformation since 2009. The company specialises in SF consulting, implementation, and support and also builds applications to enhance the utility of the SuccessFactors platform. It is committed to designing systems that help its customers to attract, develop and retain talented individuals. In 2021, Rolling Arrays was recognized as one of the top 75 fastest-growing companies in Singapore by The Straits Times & Statista.

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