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Manu Khetan on “Power of Tech Ecosystem” at SAP’s CHRO Executive Roundtable, Thailand 2023

By November 23, 2023April 30th, 2024No Comments

Manu Khetan on “Power of Tech Ecosystem” at SAP’s CHRO Executive Roundtable, Thailand 2023

10th Oct, 2023 Thailand

Revolutionizing HR Tech: Manu Khetan Unveils the Power of SAP SuccessFactors Add-Ons at CHRO Executive Roundtable Thailand 2023

In a pivotal moment at SAP’s CHRO Executive Roundtable in Thailand 2023, Manu Khetan, a distinguished figure in the industry, took center stage to illuminate the transformative potential of technology ecosystems in today’s dynamic landscape. With a particular focus on SAP SuccessFactors, Khetan delivered profound insights into how native add-ons are reshaping the HR technology landscape, with a spotlight on two game-changers: Reimburse and ePFile.

The Power of Tech Ecosystems: A Paradigm Shift

Manu Khetan began by underlining the monumental shift occurring in the HR technology space. In the current era, the power of tech ecosystems is not just a luxury but a necessity for businesses aiming to stay ahead in the competitive landscape. Khetan emphasized that these ecosystems act as a bedrock for innovation, driving efficiency, and providing organizations with the tools needed to navigate the complexities of modern HR management.

Seamless Integration: The Native Add-On Advantage

One of the focal points of Khetan’s discussion was the seamless integration of native add-ons, specifically designed for SAP SuccessFactors. He elaborated on how these add-ons, such as Reimburse for Expense, Travel, and Benefits Management, and ePFile for Employee Documents Management, act as force multipliers by seamlessly complementing the foundation system. This integration, he stressed, doesn’t just enhance functionality; it revolutionizes the user experience and augments the platform’s capability manifold.

Future-Proofing with Precision: Reimburse and ePFile in Action

Khetan spotlighted Reimburse and ePFile as prime examples of the transformative power of native add-ons. With Reimburse, organizations gain a comprehensive Expense, Travel, and Benefits Management Solution tightly integrated with SAP SuccessFactors. This not only streamlines processes but also ensures accurate and efficient reimbursement procedures.

On the other hand, ePFile, the Employee Documents Management System, was showcased as a cornerstone for creating a future-proof technology environment. By centralizing document management within SAP SuccessFactors, ePFile offers a secure and accessible repository for all employee-related documents, contributing to enhanced compliance and HR operational excellence.

Key Takeaways from Manu Khetan’s Address:

  1. Strategic Integration: Native add-ons strategically integrate with SAP SuccessFactors, elevating the platform’s capabilities.
  2. Efficiency Amplified: Reimburse and ePFile exemplify how add-ons streamline processes, increasing efficiency in expense management and document handling.
  3. User-Centric Design: The seamless integration of these solutions isn’t just about functionality; it’s about creating an intuitive and user-friendly experience for HR professionals and employees alike.
  4. Future-Proof HR Management: Reimburse and ePFile contribute significantly to the creation of a future-proof HR technology environment, ensuring adaptability to evolving industry needs.

Manu Khetan’s insights at the CHRO Executive Roundtable Thailand 2023 underscored a paradigm shift in HR tech, where the power of the tech ecosystem, especially when harnessed through native add-ons like Reimburse and ePFile, is reshaping the future of SAP SuccessFactors and its ecosystem. As organizations seek innovative solutions, these add-ons emerge as catalysts for progress, offering a glimpse into the next frontier of HR technology evolution.

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Rolling Arrays has been driving SAP SuccessFactors-led HR Transformation since 2009. The company specialises in SF consulting, implementation, and support and also builds applications to enhance the utility of the SuccessFactors platform. It is committed to designing systems that help its customers to attract, develop and retain talented individuals. In 2021, Rolling Arrays was recognized as one of the top 75 fastest-growing companies in Singapore by The Straits Times & Statista.

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