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How to Hire Right Amidst the Layoffs?

By November 23, 2023June 16th, 2024No Comments

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How to Hire Right Amidst the Layoffs?

Manu Khetan
Founder & CEO – Rolling Arrays

Originally Published on LinkedIn

As a hiring manager, it’s important to carefully evaluate and select the right candidates for open positions, especially in the current hiring market where there may be a surplus of available candidates due to layoffs in various industries. While it is true that most organizations may not have a mature job framework, in this article we will explore a simple 4 step framework that can help  companies effectively hire the right candidates for the right roles.

In recent times, we have seen companies across various industries laying off employees due to the economic impact of the pandemic and a potential much talked about upcoming recession. In 2022, 26 large firms including Cisco, Meta, Amazon & Twitter announced mass layoffs and in January 2023 alone, 6 firms including Salesforce and Goldman Sachs have already announced mass layoffs. At the same time, there are also companies that are on a hiring spree, looking to fill open positions with the right candidates.

In such a scenario, it can be tempting for companies to simply hire any available resource who fits the basic job requirements. However, this approach is not always the best course of action. Instead, given the unique situation of the hiring market where talent is being sought yet there are layoffs, companies should take the time to carefully evaluate and select the right candidates, even if there is an excess of available resources.

This is where adhering to a job framework can be beneficial. In simple words, a job framework is a set of guidelines that helps companies effectively hire the right candidates for the right roles. It includes a variety of components, such as the job department, job role, job description, primary skills, secondary skills, and required proficiency for each skill. By following this framework, companies can ensure that they have the right information to make informed hiring decisions.

Lets take a deeper look at the key components of a job framework 

  • Job department: This refers to the overall division or unit within a company where the role is located. For example, a customer service representative might be part of the customer service department.
  • Job role: This refers to the specific function or responsibilities of the role within the department. For example, a customer service representative might be responsible for handling customer inquiries, complaints, and feedback.
  • Job description: This is a detailed list of the duties and responsibilities of the role, as well as the required skills and qualifications. It should clearly outline what is expected of the candidate in the role.
  • Primary skills: These are the most important skills needed for the role. For example, a customer service representative might need strong communication skills and a good patience level to handle difficult situations.
  • Secondary skills: These are additional skills that might be helpful but are not absolutely necessary for the role. For example, a customer service representative might have good  attention to details, which could be beneficial in certain situations.
  • Required proficiency: This refers to the level of expertise that a candidate should have in a particular skill in order to qualify for the role. For example, a customer service representative might need to have ‘advanced’ communication skills in order to handle complex customer inquiries.

Simple 4 Step Framework

A lot of organizations (even the large ones) do not have a mature or a formal Job framework. Below is a simple 4 step framework that hiring managers can follow to hire the best fit candidates for their respective organizations :

Before the interview : 

(1) To hire the right candidate, hiring managers must review the Job Description and add clear primary skills and secondary skills required to perform the role.

(2) Hiring managers should then take the time to determine the required proficiency that a candidate must have for the primary skill and secondary skill in order to qualify.

During the interview : 

(3) During the interview process, hiring managers should ensure that the interviewers structure the interview questions flow so that they can rate the candidate(s) against the required proficiency accurately

After the interview : 

(4) Once the candidate’s rating against the required proficiency has been submitted, Hiring Managers should rank them and select the best candidate. 


By taking the time to carefully evaluate and rank candidates based on their proficiency, companies can increase their chances of making the right hiring decisions and finding the ideal fit for their open roles rather than simply selecting the first available candidate who fits the basic requirements. This is especially important in today’s market, where there are many available resources, and it is important to make sure that you are selecting the best fit for your company. This can ultimately lead to better job performance and long-term success for both the company and the newly hired employees.

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About Manu Khetan

Manu, Founder and CEO of Rolling Arrays, a global HR technology leader, brings two decades of expertise to redefine HR practices. Passionate about pioneering HR automation and nurturing talent, Manu advocates for a customer-first and employee-first approach, prioritizing value creation. Beyond the boardroom, he is a dedicated family man, a skilled pianist, and an advocate for empowering the next generation of entrepreneurs. Join Manu on the transformative journey where HR emerges as a dynamic force for positive change in the business world.

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